this is a document, a script, a score, a poem for an event & happening performed on May 26th at 13:50 in 2023
the tearoom and theater stage
the rehearsal
the prelude, three movements, and epilogue 
the playbill
the chance operator/instrument and film production
some other things
the poster and latch of the event
the tearoom and theater stage
the rehearsal
testing the lights
feeling the space
nailing the wall
the last check
the prelude, three movements, and epilogue

the prelude:

the room was set in full darkness with only 1 very faint spotlight shone right above the “latch” stool. I used a flashlight to guide each guest from the doorstep to the event venue.


movement: "the monologue"

first half:
I welcomed all the participants reciting the statement of the event, sitting on the "latch" stool, reading from one of the playbills, full darkness except one very dim spotlight from above.
video 00 : 00 - 06 : 15

second half: 
I unlocked the room with pliers cutting off the wires that connected the latch poster, stool and the walls.
I returned the playbill to the rest of the 10 on the shelf.
I tried to nail the latch, which was also the event poster, to one side of the wall but failed.
I removed the covers on the two instruments when the only light was also shut and followed the complete darkness.
video 06 : 15 - 08 : 25

"As humans, most of us are afraid of uncertainty, accidents, and chances that bring uncontrollable happenings. As designers, we design to control uncertainty, avoid accidents, and create conditions for chances (...)

Humans continually try to grant control over the mysterious yet beautiful nature to overcome fear as well as the lure. So is “chance” too seductive for humans to resist the temptation of reigning over it. However, we always fail to stop the cherry blossom from returning to the bed of the universe without us noticing. The transient beings are challenging humans’ assumed supremacy in ruling the world (...)

Chance is the gift, is the endless source of inspiration. By sacrificing itself, chance makes humans better understand (...) we shall pledge to release the chance for the sake of the sustainability of our own development.

Hence, I hereby offer a machine in celebration of “chance,” the force of existence that would never be tamed by us but still submit whose self for rewarding, motivating, and encouraging thirsty humans to keep exploring and matching forward."
selected from the STATEMENT as of May 26th, 2023 by Yisheng Yuan

movement: "the live show"

*please watch the live show (with sounds) before continuing*


movement: "the release"

at the end of the live show, all three modeling lights were turned on: two from the stage, one at the back of the audience seats. Now the audience of a moment before officially joined as the players on the set.
I released the score of the live show so it rolled down from the ceiling.
video 10 : 47 - 11 : 44

manually turning on the last modeling light that failed through remote control
*a video record (with sounds) of the three movements on May 26th, 2023*
movement "the monologue"
first half: 00:00 - 06:15
second half: 06:15 - 08:25

movement "the live show"
08:25 - 10:47

movement "the release"
10:47 - 11:44

started from 06:10 exposure was deliberately adjusted for a brighter view through the monologue’s second half (06:15 - 08:25)
*due to many limitations (darkness and abrupt change of the brightness of the environment), the camera sometimes lost focus.


the epilogue:

people each received a playbill and joined me on the stage. Entirely we coursed into random actions...
The happening ended when I stamped the date May 26th on the same position on the machine as shown in the end scene of the live show.

The stamping finale: 
before each participant exited, I stamped on each one of their playbills: transient details RELEASED at ___ (the time that should be filled by themselves) with May 26th that I pre-stamped, practicing the responsibility of this happening's leading role. See "the playbill"

commencing the epilogue with distributing the playbills. The third modeling light beamed behind the audience, transforming them into performers on the set.
the stamping finale
the playbill
the shelf for 2 stamps and 10 playbills

the playbill is the core medium that introduces and concludes the event.
It is in the form of a two-sided accordion book, containing my writings and stamps.

front side features:
p2-4 "Why Do I Relinquish the Piano?*" click to read
p5-7 "Statement*"
p9 "The Credits"

back side is dedicated entirely to "Reside in Nothingness*," an essay on entropy and wabi-sabi

p1, 8, 9, and 10 were pages for "chance." The production did not depend on printing machines in order to maximize the presence of chance. I stamped, smudged, wrote, and mistook. All ten playbills were thus different and unique.

examples for p1, only May 26 2023 was stamped prior to the event
"transient details RELEASED at" was from the stamping finale that proved the participant's completion of the happening
examples for p8 and 9
(p8) important dates were stamped (time hand-written)*
(p9) I re-wrote people's names by hand and ink again on top of the original to show my deep gratitude and respect
"On April 14th, I connected ten push-pull solenoid electromagnets to four power supplies. On April 28th, I built two models. On May 8th, I designed one of the models. On May 11th, I released the chance formally for the first time in the ceremony, and on May 26th, there is expected to be a second ceremonial happening with all of the guests."
(from the STATEMENT as of May 26th, 2023 by Yisheng Yuan)
examples for p10, hand-signed cover with title of the event and artist's name
the chance operator/instrument and film production
*please watch "the live show" first if you have not yet*

disguised: made of clay, plywood, velvet, 5 ceramic fragments broken from one mug...

as the label (inside under the rightmost key block) wrote:
"... an instrument, an operator, a printer
this side is the (designed) model..."

undisguised: made of plywood, foam, clamp, push button switch, power line, 5 other ceramic fragments broken from one mug...

as the label (on the outer right wall) wrote:
"... an instrument, an operator, a printer
this side is the (undesigned) model..."

as the label (on the inner right wall) wrote: 
- 12 V 30 A Switching Power Supply
- Push Pull Solenoid DC 12 V 35 mm Long Stroke Small Electromagnets
in use"

important dates were stamped onto each label:
"...On April 14th, I connected ten push-pull solenoid electromagnets to four power supplies.
On April 28th, I built two models.
On May 8th, I designed one of the models..."
(from the STATEMENT as of May 26th, 2023 by Yisheng Yuan)

the un-disguised (right):
press down the key blocks will trigger the switches hence the electromagnets

the plain sheet of score was placed between the two instruments. Performers pulled the sheet down when they felt a new "bar" was ready to be printed with "notes."

on the set

leave it to chance. When you can’t see your co-performer, you will just need to compose yourself, and when both of your creation by chance collides — the ceramic fragments with ink applied on will press into each other, “repair” momentarily, and print where they broke up initially (transient details)on the score.

the mechanism (without paper)

at the very top (start) of the score, there drawn the ceramic fragments in pairs as "instruments" used for this piece to produce the notes (transient details).

At the very bottom (end) of the score, there stamped "transient details RELEASED at" 19:00 May 11th (hand-written) as an artistic proof for me (can be anyone) being the one (for this event) who released (tore off and completed the score) at that specific moment.

some other things
the after(happening)math
the latch and one of the instruments
deep breathing
this work is dedicated to
all text printed in Verdana
back to the beginning